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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mold Exposure

Suddenly, everything falls into place. The reason family members, friends or coworkers have been experiencing ill health is due to mold. This person has been persistently sick for an extended period of time with the most common causes being ruled out. Some day the question of exposure to mold at the doctor's office will be in the top ten list for diagnosis. Until then there are many people suffering without knowing the cause.

The following article excerpts are from "Doctor's Prescription for Healthy Living" magazine.

...Harlem, Georgia - something in the home of Iris Harden was making her sick. "I wasn't educated," she says. "I didn't know it was mold. All I knew was that something in that house was doing it to me."

Her headaches and burning in her eyes were so painful she had to move out of her home.

Eventually an environmental testing firm found elevated levels of mold spores in her kitchen and bedroom. Confirming the diagnosis of fungal infection, Immunosciences Lab, of Beverly Hills, California, found extremely high levels of two toxic molds, aspergillus and stachybotrys, in her bloodstream. Her levels were in the top one percent that the laboratory had seen out of the more than 20,000 tests they had performed.She probably took in the molds by breathing them and they diffused into her bloodstream, according to Dr. Aristo Vojdani, an expert in immune-related illnesses....read more.


Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated many homes in 2005. What was also traumatic were the homes left standing, saturated with water for days, that developed black mold on the interior. Many of the people affected were relieved to have their homes but found an unknown nightmare lingering.

FEMA followed evacuation protocol. It didn't occur to a particular family of four that a few weeks in a mold infested home created the onset of illness. They were relocated yet were still ill over time. Doctor after doctor told the husband "he must have gotten into something horrible in Louisiana," and gave him antibiotics to treat the so-called bacteria. He got worse. It took one year and a coincidence to learn his family was sick due to exposure to mold, and the antibiotics prescribed to help were actually making the illness worse.

Mold exposure is not uncommon. It occurs wherever there is toxic mold present, which can grow in any moist, damp areas, and so easily become airborne if disturbed.

So, the next time you are sick, take a look and smell around the home and office. If there is any question about the presence of toxic mold - check it out. You'll be much healthier because of it.

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