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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Whoa-oa-oa, Candida!

The most common Candida fungus out of 200 known species is Candida albicans, already present in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract in the human body. For the majority of people, especially anyone following a healthy diet, exercise and a supplemental program, Candida rests in the system without being noticed. A weakened immune system, stress, or physical injury can be the incentive for fungus to branch out. There are other factors that collaborate with a weakened immune system to activate the overgrowth of fungus - large amounts of carbohydrates in the diet, yeast products, antibiotics, and other medications.

Certain characteristics of the fungus make the human body a perfect host. The fungus thrives in a warm, moist environment and carry a sticky protein in the cell wall, making it easier to adhere anywhere inside the body. To make matters worse, Science Daily reported, "...Candida strains have evolved and ensured their survival by adapting their genetic makeup to respond to changes in their environment. Candida species are the most common cause of opportunistic fungal infection worldwide."

The fungal infection, Candidiasis, is most often caused by Candida albicans, and ranges from a trivial rash to potentially life-threatening systemic infection, affecting the male and female gender alike. These diseases can infect the skin, hair, nails, eyes, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, major organs, musculoskeletal system, and genitourinary tract.

Candidiasis is an infection that can be eliminated by antifungals, probiotics, fiber, and a low-carbohydrate diet. The process may take a number of months or a few years depending on the severity of the infection. Dosage and frequency of antifungal use and consistency of the sugar-free diet is monumental in the time it takes to get rid of the infection.

So, if Candida has found a weakness in the body, it will advantageously mount and continue on this path until the decision to start an all-out war against it is made. Remember, it's easier to reign in Candida before it becomes too prolific.

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